Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay Heart Attacks - 610 Words

Heart Attacks Heart attacks are the leading cause of death in the United States. Everyday approximately 1,500 people die from heart attacks. Thousands more suffer crippling effects of some form, and remain disabled for the rest of their lives. A simple definition of a heart attack is a sudden failure of the heart resulting from an occlusion or obstruction of a coronary artery. Basically, this means the heart is no longer receiving the blood supply it needs to function properly. A person having a heart attack experiences severe pain in the chest extending to the left shoulder and arm. Heart attacks occur for a variety of reasons. Diet, genetics, obesity, and lack of exercise are all contributors to heart attacks. Smoking and†¦show more content†¦This results in a heart attack. Stress is another cause of heart attacks. The causes of stress vary from person to person, although there are many stressors. Anger, fear, deadlines, work, conflict, and school can all be stressors. When an individual perceives a situation to be stressful, it is stressful. The body physically reacts to stress by activating the flight or fight response. In other words, the body physically prepares to run or fight. Hormones called adrenaline and noradrenaline are released into the blood stream. These hormones cause the metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and muscle tension to increase. In todays world, stress very seldom calls for an actual flight or fight response, but the body does not know the difference. Therefore, the physical release of all the energy built up in the body does not actually take place. This causes hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure. Secondly, hypertension creates strain on the arteries and contributes to the build-up of plaque in the arteries. Plaque is a sticky substance that sticks to the artery walls. Too much build up in the arteries causes them to close up, therefore not allowing blood to reach the heart. Finally, the heart collapses, and a heart attack has transpired. Smoking and stress are two major causes of heart attacks. However, avoiding heart attacks is actually quite simple. The American MedicalShow MoreRelatedHeart Attacks : A Heart Attack1468 Words   |  6 PagesHeart attacks can be scary no matter who you are or what you have experienced. To think that a heart attack could happen to you or someone you love can be terrifying. As you age the risk of you have a heart attack becomes higher and higher. When someone has a heart attack their blood that produces the oxygen for your heart can not get to your heart because it becomes blocked. Therefore, your heart cannot get the oxygen that it needs to survive. This is a scary thought because if the blood can notRead MoreThe Heart Of Heart Attack1510 Words   |  7 Pages The heart is the most essential biological structure in the body system; nobody can live without the heart. 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